Registration is now open for the 2024 registration year. You can come to Town Hall and register your pet. I request you do not bring your pets with you to registration. Registration is from January to December of each year.
The following is the cost for pet registration: Must show current proof of rabies inoculation.
Female or Male Spayed or Neutered Dog or Cat tag/registration fee - $5.00
Female or Male Un-spayed or Un-neutered Dog or Cat tag/registration fee - $30.00
Duplicate or replacement for lost tag - $2.00.
1.04.12 Failure to Register - fine of $200.00 up to $500.00.
Muni Code 6.04.140 - Running at large prohibited. Animals must be on a leash if walking on streets, alleys, thoroughfares or other public places within the town. Violations of this chapter in either the Muni-code or ordinance can carry up to a $2,500 fine and no less than $500.
A few reminders per animal ordinance 189: 1.03.1 Right of Entry for Inspection - Whenever council or designee by council, has reasonable cause for violation of the ordinance, animal control or the designee is authorized to enter such building or premises at any reasonable time to inspect the same and perform any duty imposed upon him or her by this title or other applicable law.
1.04.3 - Collars and Tags are Required for Dogs
1.05.10 - Animal Disturbance of Peace and Quiet Prohibited and a fine shall be imposed for violation.
1.07.1 - Animals Prohibited
a. no more than 4 animals over 12 weeks old within town limits (does not include fish or birds) per household.
b. unlawful to keep, maintain, possess or harbor any hard-hooved livestock such as, but not limited to mules, donkeys, horses, burros, cattle, sheep, goats, within the Town of Olney Springs town limits.
c. unlawful for any person to own, keep, maintain, possess, harbor, sell or in any manner deal or traffic within the Town of Olney Springs in any living exotic, wild, dangerous or unusual animals, whether domesticated or tamed, including but not necessarily limited to the following; Africanized Ais Mellifera (honey bees); bats of any species; bears of any species; felines, other than ordinary domesticated house cats; gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, baboons or any other infra-human primate; any member of the Mustelidae family, except ferrets, including but not limited to fisher, martens, minks, otters, porcupines, raccoons, skunks, weasels and wolverines; poisonous reptiles; wolves, foxes, coyotes or other species or canines other than dogs; any species; or any other terrestrial predator or other animal determined to be a public nuisance pursuant to the provisions, procedures and means of abatement therefor established by the ordinances or the Town of Olney Springs.
These are just a few reminders. Please read the full ordinance if you have any questions. You can request an email copy for free or a nominal fee to have a copy printed.